Sunday, December 30, 2012

Take My Yoke Upon You

Take My Yoke Upon You

In August 2012 we visited the George Ranch and I found this display of a yoke used for oxen and cattle. There was the explanation that the yoke was not to bind the cattle but that in order for them to work as one. That made them stronger and more durable. Two could do the work as one entity working together for a common cause.
They were better synchronized. When we work in sync with one another we become stronger and can work longer and more efficiently.

When we take the Savior’s yoke upon us he can help us work as one stronger in spirit. We do not veer too much to the left or to the right but go straight. We don’t lose our focus on where we are going. We are stronger together.

I want the yoke of the Lord on me to guide me in trying times. I want the yoke of the Lord to strengthen me in my work as well as in my pleasure. I want the yoke of the lord upon me to guide me and help me. I want to have the restfulness He promises in his yoke.

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. (Matt.11:29 NIV)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Joyce Miles is a faithful Sunday School/Bible Study student. Recently she sold her house and is leaving the Port Arthur, Groves area. We wish her well. I wrote this tribute to her as a friend, and as a class member/leader.

Joyce Miles Farewell Address

Our prayers and thoughts are with you as you embark on a new journey in your life.
Abraham set out in faith to a land unknown and unfamiliar to him. He left the familiar hustle and bustle of a city life to become a great herdsman. He made some twists and turns during his lifetime but was always blessed by our heavenly Father.
His faith kept him going. May you find the faith and belief that God will be with you as you travel to the unfamiliar surroundings. May God show you all that you are to accomplish in his name. May God show you all that the blessings of a faithful servant that you are just as was Abraham.

As I thought about Joyce the word came to my mind faithful.

I looked up faithful in the dictionary. It is described as: Firmly and devoutly supportive. Worthy of trust and belief.
The word fits Joyce perfectly. She is faithful to her friends and to her church. She will be sorely missed by friends and church members.

Go in Peace with the Lord at your side.

We love you, faithful friend.

The “Martha” class of First Baptist Church Groves.

Lanell Stuart, author.
Flo Brokaw, president.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Catching Up

Things are looking up for my family and me. Oldest daughter Kathy marrying Mike in December in Florida. Tracey is feeling much better and Debbie is in training for personal fitness program. My blood pressure is stableized with two medications. Tommy's arm is doing okay also. Son in law Carl got his stitches out of his hand this week and is on the mend. Son in law Bobby is doing good on the Disc Golf circuit. By the way Tracey is not half bad at Disc Golf herself.

Tommy, Bobby, Tracey, and Debbie play "Fantasy Football". It's a riot listening to them "draft teams". They have a good time with it.

Grandson, Thomas, is in Peru doing Mission work and going to seminary. He should be through in Peru next August. I'm praying all goes well for him this year. He will get to come back in December for a while, then return to Peru in the year 2013, as I said till August. Then the tough part starts--looking for a job. My heart goes out to him.

Oh, yes. This year Tommy and I celebrated a beautiful 50th Wedding anniversary party at "Beau Reve" on the Neches River. Cousins came from Louisiana, Arkansas, Georgia, and Dallas. Thanks to the children and grand children and guests, we had a wonderful time.

All things considered this 50th year with my dear espoused husband has been a good one.